Simina Oprescu

electroacoustic composer & sound artist

Green Hermeticism


Binaural composition based on the book Green Hermeticism by Wilson, Peter Lamborn. Behind the practice, I chose different citations and quotes from it to give a general sense and meaning to the whole depth of this book that I recommend jumping in. It goes from spoken word to psychoacoustic phenomena following a narrative path, consciousness enabling language, and communication of unconventional belief systems about matter, energy, and spirit. The real takes the place of the symbolic. As Ilya Prigogine deduced, “In equilibrium, the matter is ‘blind’, but in far-from-equilibrium conditions it begins to be able to perceive, to ‘take into account’, in its way of functioning, differences in the external world”. Nature is perceptive.

"On the very first pages Novalis evokes hermetic science quite specifically: Various are the roads of man. He who follows and compares them will see strange figures emerge, figures which seem to belong to that great cipher which we discern written everywhere, in wings, eggshells, clouds and snow, in crystals and in stone formations, on ice-covered waters, on the inside and outside of mountains, of plants, beasts and men, in the lights of heaven, on scored disks of pitch or glass or in iron filings round a magnet, and in strange conjunctures of chance. In them we suspect a key to the magic writing, even a grammar, but our surmise takes on no definite forms and seems unwilling to become a higher key."

"Nature, from this point of view, is consciousness. Consciousness is the seed-cause, the primal causal energy, containing within it source, fruit, and end, the unity of which as we shall see is time as genesis.
Consciousness seeks itself through all its metamorphoses and its path is the path of nature, which is an unvarying rhythm."

"For Hermeticism, nature or creation is a living, spiritual, conscious, fourfold unfolding unity: a "formative metaphysical power." Titus Burckhart confirms this when he writes: "The expression 'nature' has a very precise meaning. It does not simply mean the involuntary becoming of things, but rather a unitary power or cause whose essence may be known by perceiving its all embracing rhythm - a rhythm which rules both the outward and the inward world." "

OCCULTUM LAPIDEM (Visit the Interior of the Earth and Rectifying You will Find the Hidden Stone)"

"In the words of a founding mother of Hellenistic alchemy, Maria the Jewess, also called Maria Prophetessa, the legendary sister of Moses: "One becomes two, two becomes three and by means of the third and fourth, realizes unity: thus two are but one."
The unity of four-in-one that Maria invokes in her saying, which was called by Jung the most important in alchemy, is what the ancient Pythagoreans called the holy Tetraktys, which is in a sense none other than the four states of consciousness common to all traditions: the waking state, the dream state, the state of dreamless sleep, and the fourth state.
In other words: in order to "create," One must become Two-it must look at itself. It must divide.
The unique, irreducible, indivisible cause-source
One must become Two."

"Thus the source becomes mineral; the mineral becomes plant; the plant becomes animal; the animal becomes human; the human becomes divine."

Photo cover: Musaeum Hermeticum, Frankfurt edition, 1749

Narrators voice at the beginning: Zach Hart

Recorded, designed and composed by Simina Oprescu

released May 26, 2023

Commisioned for the
Library of The Center for Visual Studies, Bucharest and Green Peace Romania
with support from
Carturesti Foundation

click for review on Audio Crackle blog

© SiminaOprescu